My portfolio website is currently under construction. The pages should be back sometime soon. By then you should be able to acquire high quality prints right through my website.
I apologize for the inconvenience. You can purchase prints at all times. Please email me right away with your wishes and I get back to you as quickly as possible.
In the meanwhile I would like to point you to some other pages where you can see my photography. All of these photos are available as prints in various sizes - just ask me.
This lovely photo book shows my personal map of "The City", with well known places seen from unusual perspectives - organized as a riddle game for native New Yorkers and tourists alike. Maps and a text part (with facts you probably never even heard of about our fair city) complete the book.
Come see and share some sample pictures, read the introduction, find the latest presentation dates and see what the press thinks of it! If you are on Facebook, check out the matching page
See my series "Manhattan Windows", "Pairings", and "Other Planets", and have a look at my wall clock & alarm clock projects.
My photographic playground with the most variety. You find several albums here, mostly related to New York. Among other galleries, you can enjoy New York panoramas, portraits from the Easter Bonnet Parade on 5th Ave, NYC clunkers, little planets or a selection of black & white photos.

You can follow me on Facebook on my personal page (a few photos are public) and my POVNYC page, but I'm not too big on other social media platforms. Yes, I have an Instagram account at applecorenyc, I used to tweet a bit on Twitter under @jankopuls on Twitter (and stopped doing so long before it turned into X), and even older were my attempts on Tumblr and my Google+ profile.
Hope to see you here back again soon!
Janko Puls